Pretty Mitten Designs - Artisan Jewelry Handmade in the Mitten State
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Ready to Roll

Ready to Roll

The From MI Heart line has been expanded and will be in stores soon.  I love the new jewelry cards, with the pretty wide heart.

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School of Mittenology

jewelry key chain key ring logo michigan mitten Mittenology msu state t-shirt tee shirt U of M university

School of Mittenology

Coming soon!  In perfect time for the holidays, we're introducing a range of logo jewelry, gifts and t-shirts feauturing our Michigan map and "Mittenology" themes.  Shown here are key rings for fans of the University of Mittens and Mitten State University. :)

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The Container Sends a Message Too

artisan gift wrap gifts jewelry jewelry design mi michigan mitten packaging pretty mitten ribbon

The Container Sends a Message Too

I love beautiful ribbon and packages.  I deplore waste and excess packing materials. With those boundaries in mind, our packaging is designed for safe shipping, a simple but pretty statement of our brand, and a little flair.  I think this fine grosgrain ribbon is particularly lovely.   If the packaging from Pretty Mitten Designs says to you:  "This is something special and you're something special too," with simplicity and a bit of elegance, then it's doing it's job.

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MITN ST8 Plates


MITN ST8 Plates

The new "Mitten State" license plates started as a sketch.  Here's a close up from the beginning of the design process.

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Where Do Charms Come From?

handmade jewelry design license plate charms mi michigan mitten state

Where Do Charms Come From?

Have you ever heard a musician describe how he or she "woke up with a song" playing in their mind?  For me, jewelry designs often arrive in much the same way.  The idea strikes -- and then out comes the paper and pens.  After the first rough sketches and some planning and measurements, next comes the formal artwork.  The best part is when the "idea" materializes into the final designs.  Easy enough to say -- but it's a step by step process which helps nudges a design "idea" along to an actual piece of finished jewelry which can be shared...

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